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Frequently Asked Questions ( FAQs) about NJLocalInfo.com


NJLocalInfo.com provides premium online classified ads services and information related to New Jersey and its surrounding Metro Areas and NYC and Philly.

What is NJLocalInfo.com?

NJLocalInfo.com is a website dedicated to providing New Jersey specific information that is related to NJ and its surrounding metropolitan areas.

NJLocalInfo.com provides a premium classified ads serviced  on a platform that supports social interaction. Ads placed on NJLocalinfo.com are actively promoted and regionally distributed throughout New Jersey, new York City and Philadelphia via affiliated websites and social media resources.

What does it cost to use NJLocalinfo.com?

NJLocalinfo.com offers free accounts,  free viewing and searching of all information and active ads placed on the site.

How do I place and ad on NJLocalinfo.com?

Placing and ad is easy. Simply go the “PostAds” button to place an ad 24/7. If you don't have an account you will be asked to create a free account. Once you have completed and submitted the “create Ads” form your ad is created. Your ad is only viewable by you until its is approved. Once your ad is approved it is immediately viewable by all  users.

Why is there a fee for placing ads?

  • A small Ad placement fee serves a number of purposes:
  • Ads posted on NJLocalinfo.com are promoted. Fees help cover promotional/advertising costs,
  • Fees promote top quality ad postings to. This is becasue users will pay to place only valid ads that they are serious about.
  • Fees prevent spam ads and enhance our user's experience.

How are my Ad placements found?

Ads placed on NJLocalinfo.com are found in a number of ways. NJLocalinfo.com advertises via print media and online as well as search engine indexing… we get about 20% repeat viewers that frequent the site on a monthly basis as well.

Please note, all ads are automatically aged off as they expire unless they are renewed. keep in mind that ads with longer expiration periods index better with search engines.

How am I contacted when my ad is viewed?

NJlocalinfo.com provides indirect email feature so that your email address is not visible to interested parties. They would use the “Contact ” tab in your ad and you will receive and email from NJLocalinfo.com servers. Of course, if you provide contact information in the text of your ad users may contact you that way ( naturally, this is not recommended), it is your choice. NJlocalinfo.com is not responsible for any ad content, transactions, contacts .. etc.. resulting directly or indirectly from your ad placements.

How many visitors does NJGoldCoast.com get?

NJLocalinfo typically gets thousands of local NJ visitors from about 350+ cites across NJ. Of course, our usage is seasonal and depends on the number and mix of ads actively placed at a given time.

Use NJLocalinfo.com to reach your target customers in and around New Jersey. We actively monitor and promote our ads daily.

NJLocalinfo.com is visited by thousands of local users from all across the state as well as New York and Philadelphia Metro areas.

Advertise on NJlocalinfo.com to your target customers in and around New Jersey. NJLocalinfo.com provides a regional target audience for your products and services. All of our ads are promoted and monitored daily. We offer banner ad space as well as classified advertising to serve your needs.

Advertise with NJLocalinfo.com and begin reaching local customers today!


Email us for more information at: advertise@NJLocalinfo.com

NJLocalinfo.com P.O. Box 769 Union City, NJ 07087