The Aftermath of Hurricane Sandy In NJ

The aftermath of Hurricane Sandy in NJ, what a disaster for New Jersey and our neighboring States. I really can’t say much about this storm and the situation it left us with, but I know that together we can get through this.

I am a resident of Hudson County along the Hudson River and I can certainly tell you I have never seen anything like this before. Even though large swaths of folks in my area are still without power, gasoline and utilities our devastation doesn’t even compare to those folks in the coastal regions of NJ and other states.

I have found most of the local information regarding the storm to be New York centric. In creating this post it is difficult to find any information (especially in a video format) specific to businesses and services along the NJ Hudson river waterfront and locally by town in NJ. I came across the following video clip which I found to be interesting by the way it was filmed ( on a bicycle in NYC during Sandy).

Hurricane Sandy – The Aftermath

I also came across this article that has many links referring to hurricane Sandy and its impacts on our Area. Click here to read it.

Feel free to post any updates here if you have information to share about Sandy’s impact in NJ.

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