Westfield Rotary Club Foundation Plans Breakfast with the Bands


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(above) The WHS Stage Band, WHS Jazz II, WHS Jazz I, EIS Jazz, RIS Combo, RIS Big Band, and AlgoRhythm (a WHS Student Combo) will all perform at the Breakfast with the Bands fundraiser.

Westfield Rotary Club Foundation Breakfast with the Bands 

Each spring the Westfield Rotary Club Foundation, fundraising partner of the Rotary Club of Westfield, hosts an open house fundraiser breakfast to help fund extensive community outreach programs, benefit youth, challenge hunger and provide grants to local non-profit social service agencies.

This year the event, Breakfast with the Bands will be held on Saturday, February 29 at Westfield High School Cafeteria from 8 a.m. to noon. According to Joe Mindak, who is chairing the breakfast, band ensembles from Westfield High School and the intermediate schools will be performing exclusively during a catered breakfast served by Rotarians with the assistance of members of the Westfield High School Interact Club.

Speaking of the musical aspect of the breakfast, Chris Vitale, Director of Bands for the high school remarks, “Not only is Breakfast with the Bands a great morning for the high school and intermediate school music programs, but the students have the satisfaction of knowing their performances raise funds that go to directly to benefit the community. In the past, the Rotary Club has awarded grants to support music in our schools, and more recently, awarded a grant in support of Westfield’s National Championship Marching Band.”

The Westfield High School Stage Band will kick-off breakfast at 8 a.m. followed by the following bands; 8:00, WHS Stage Band; 8:20, WHS Jazz II; 8:50, WHS Jazz I; 9:30, EIS Jazz; 10:00, RIS Combo; 10:30, RIS Big Band; 11:00, end AlgoRhythm (WHS Student Combo).

Under the motto “Service Above Self” Rotarians have been involved in community service since the club’s charter was granted by Rotary International in 1921. To date almost $3 million has been granted to Westfield residents graduating from high school to aid in funding their college educations. Thousands have been awarded to local non-profit agencies. An ongoing project of the club raises food and funds for the abatement of hunger among the town’s school children at risk through it’s Back Pack Program.

Special thanks to our Platinum Sponsors Mary Ellen O’Boyle from Sothebys & Jayson Astel from Edward Jones as well as our partners at Stop & Shop.

Tickets are $10 for the breakfast and performances. They are available from members of the Rotary Club, the Interact Club and at the door on February 29. For further information, contact Joe Mindak office at 201-410-8282.

Submitted by Westfield Rotary Club Foundation

(above) Breakfast with the Bands, a Rotary fundraiser, will feature band ensembles from Westfield High School and the intermediate schools.

(above) A catered breakfast will be served by Rotarians with the assistance of members of the Westfield High School Interact Club.

(above) Join the Westfield Rotary Club on February 29 for Breakfast with the Bands.

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