Tutoring: By Mr. Richman


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Tutoring: By Mr. Richman

Extremely patient teacher!!

Subjects: Algebra, Geometry, Precalculus, Middle and Elementary School Math, SAT and ACT – covering both Verbal and Math sections.


“How to Help your Child Succeed on the SAT and ACT.”
“Just Let Me Survive Today,” a teacher training manual. 

In both of these books, I stress study skills and test taking strategies.

I try to make the instruction interesting and fun.

My websites are: “www.richmaneducationalservices.com” and “www.justletmesurvivetoday.com.
Phone: 973-489-6113
Email: Richteach10@gmail.com.


Mr. Richman has been tutoring very successfully for over 40 years, and has helped young adults and children achieve their educational goals. His pupils show great improvement both in grades and in attitude. He is a township resident of Florham Park, NJ. He currently teaches Math at Columbia High School in Maplewood NJ. (He just retired in Jan. 2023). At school and nationwide, he often gives lectures to encourage and inspire other teachers and administrators to motivate their pupils

Mark Richman has been in education for over 50 years – as a math teacher, staff developer, dean, and an Assistant Principal. He has won numerous awards for his teaching skills, among them “Teacher of the Year.” He was a camp counselor for 20 years at Trails End Camp, where he further used his talents to work with adoring children in the summer camp situation. He is the author of four best-selling books on classroom management, motivation and values education.

After teaching Math for 19 years at JHS 43 and another 5 at Lincoln HS, both in Brooklyn, NY, he headed the Guidance and Math Departments at Erasmus Hall HS for Science and Math also in Brooklyn, N.Y. He then served 3 years as a Staff Developer in the Brooklyn and Staten Island Schools (in NYC). He then taught for another term at Automotive HS in Brooklyn NY before returning to Administrative chores at The HS of Economics and Finance in NYC (right across the street from the World Trade Center)  – where on Sept. 11, 2001 (his 4th day on the job at his new school) he helped evacuate and lead his 700 pupils to safety!

After two more years in the classroom at Port Richmond HS in Staten Island, NY, he retired from the NYC Public Schools and began a new teaching career (Sept. 2004) in his new state of New Jersey, where he just retired from teaching Math at Columbia HS in Maplewood NJ. He had been there for 17 years!

  • Mark Richman’s Individualized approach to tutoring helps your student to reach his or her potential.
  • Individualized lessons draw on your student’s passions. Mark incorporates music, sports, humor…
  • SAT/ACT Preparation
  • Mark Richman knows what it takes to master the SATs. He knows how to motivate your student and have him or her want to come to tutoring, learn and study.
  • There are many differences between the SATs and the ACTs and Mark helps you and your student decide which works best for their learning style.
  • Math Tutoring Grades K-College
  • Mark tutors ALL levels of Mathematics. He knows how to break down complex math topics into easily understandable elements.
  • Tutoring All Subjects 1st-12th
  • For over 50 years, Mr. Richman has served as a public school teacher, tutor, and as author of four books on education. He is an expert at instructing and motivating pupils. His special techniques have served as the catalyst of success for many of his students. He teaches all subjects in Grades 1-12.
  • Contact Mr. Richman at 973 – 489  – 6113 or at Richteach10@gmail.com

He currently is teaching online – virtually!

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