Suburban Chiropractic Center


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Suburban Chiropractic Center in Chatham

The Suburban Chiropractic Center opened in January, 1985 in Chatham, NJ. It is a multi-doctor, multi-therapy holistic health center offering the highest quality service in a relaxed, comfortable environment. Dr. Joseph J. Murphy opened the center to offer the community an alternative to the traditional allopathic medical facilities.

After an in-depth consultation, a thorough examination is performed. Dr. Murphy will then comprehensively explain his findings and recommended treatment program to you.

Quality chiropractic care is an integral part of any wellness program – an important tool in maintaining good health. Along with proper diet, exercise, rest and mental attitude, quality chiropractic care is essential part of an overall wellness plan.

Our Mission is to bring the world under holistic chiropractic care and away from drugs.

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Phone: (973) 635-0036
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