FREE SCORE Webinar – Hosted by the SCORE Metro NJ Chapter


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All the Law and None of the Guilt:

“A guide to the legal requirements of starting and running your small, local business.”

• Do you meet local zoning regulations
• Do you require a special license
• Do you have the proper insurances for yourself and employees
• Do you need to collect sales tax. 

This webinar will cover these issues and many others in great detail.

DATE: Wednesday, February 16, 2022
TIME: 1:00 pm 

Mitchell C. Beinhaker, Esq. is a corporate attorney and business advisor who runs a solo legal/consulting practice representing business owners, entrepreneurs, executives, and professionals. Throughout his career, Mitchell has handled business development, marketing, firm management, along with commercial transactions for business owners and entrepreneurs. He has extensive experience with corporate governance, commercial transactions, real estate and risk analysis. He prefers to work with clients on a monthly retainer basis, creating and implementing estate plans, succession plans to help companies continue for future generations, and federal tax-deferred strategies. You can learn more about the practice at

As a transactional attorney, Mitchell has handled the purchase and sale of multi-million-dollar businesses including insurance portfolios, restaurants, and even a small chemical company. In the real estate area, he has handled and coordinated many commercial purchases and sales from contract drafting and due diligence, including all the zoning and environmental review, through the closing of title. His work has involved helping with insurance and risk management as well as legal involvement with construction management projects.

During the early part of his career, Mitchell worked in-house with insurance companies and financial institutions helping design products for sale, as well as developing sales and tax strategies to facilitate the sale of those products. Specifically, he worked for Nationwide Insurance Company as their Senior Advanced Sales Specialist. Additionally, he spent three years as General Counsel and Advanced Tax Counsel to a northeast regional financial services company. Mitchell spends his practice development efforts networking, attending professional groups and public speaking.

He is also the creator and host of an audio podcast – The Accidental Entrepreneur – where he interviews successful business people and professionals who share their knowledge and help you develop your business. Episodes are available on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Amazon Music, and most other podcast directories.

Mitchell is a graduate of Cornell University (’89) and received his law degree (JD) from New York Law School in 1992. He lives with his wife and three children in Westfield, New Jersey.


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January 17, 2022 1:58 pm

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