Magnolia Helps Out on “George to the Rescue”
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Magnolia Helps Out on "George to the Rescue"
Maintaining a home is tough enough, especially with two children to raise. There are a lot of everyday tasks to take care of before one can even begin to think about remodeling and home maintenance. That’s why, when tragedy struck for one family, Magnolia Home Remodeling and George Oliphant were there to do everything they could and lend a helping hand to the Munt household.
Here’s a breakdown of how this New Jersey housing contractor teamed up with Oliphant on the latest episode of George to the Rescue to help this family in need!
Tragedy Strikes the Munt Family
For 20 years, Danielle and Alex Munt lived a happy, heartfelt life, after meeting at work and deciding to start a family. Alex, a loving father, was also a hard worker that occasionally stepped in to lend a helping hand around the house. Then something completely unexpected happened: on Thanksgiving 2017, Alex had a sudden heart attack and passed away on the front lawn. The father and husband of two was an avid fisherman who was active and in great shape, making the incident even more unexpected.
The Community Rallies in Support
Although the Union, NJ, community rallied in support of the Munt family after the accident, the past few years were certainly tough, especially where the household was concerned. The family had been experiencing plumbing issues in all of their bathrooms, primarily on the main floor next to Alex’s old home office. Danielle, who’s a huge fan and regularly watches George to the Rescue, was overheard saying how she “needs George to fix their spaces.” Well, that friend wrote in on her behalf and George soon came to the rescue with Magnolia Home Remodeling on board as the lead contractor.
George Oliphant & Magnolia Comes to the Rescue!
After learning of Danielle’s predicament, Georgia and Magnolia Home Remodeling teamed up, along with local designer Karen Wolf, Eii Electric and Lanzo Plumbing to give the Munt household a total makeover. First, they gutted and renovated the main bathroom, installing a beautiful faux-wood backsplash for the sink and standing shower enclosure. The team also redesigned daughter Victoria’s upstairs bedroom and turned Alex’s old office into a new bedroom for son Harrison. But the highlight is definitely the mom cave, which is a place for Danielle to relax in style on the second floor.
Like what you see? Contact Magnolia Home Remodeling
As head of construction on this project, Magnolia Home Remodeling took the reigns and helped George and the rest of the team make a one-of-a-kind household for the Munt family. If you have a similar project in mind, contact them today or visit their website for more info.
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