LearningRx of Short Hills
$pending program
LearningRx of Short Hills – A premiere one-on-one brain training company
LearningRx is the premiere one-on-one brain training company with more than 80 Brain Training Centers across the nation, and brain training programs in more than 20 countries worldwide.
We offer serious brain training for serious results, helping kids and adults of all ages get faster, better mental performance in school, work and life.
Here’s how it works: Our certified personal brain trainers work one-on-one with clients for 12 weeks or longer, using intense mental exercises to create permanent, measurable and dramatic changes in how the brain receives, processes and remembers incoming information.
Our programs are based on the applied science of neuroplasticity, and are clinically proven to raise IQ an average of 15 points and dramatically improve how the brain thinks, reads, learns, reasons, remembers and even pays attention.
Our clients include struggling students, career adults and senior adults. We also get life changing improvements in brain performance for kids and adults with ADHD, dyslexia or autism, as well as anyone who has experienced a traumatic brain injury.
For anyone interested please give our office a call at 973-376-4646 or feel free to stop in and visit.
Website: www.learningrx.com/short-hills
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