Lawrence Law Relocates in Watchung


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Lawrence Law Relocates in Watchung

Lawrence Law has moved and settled into their new home at 744 Mountain Boulevard, Watchung, NJ 07069. Lawrence Law celebrated this special occasion with a Ribbon Cutting Ceremony on November 30, 2023 with Watchung Mayor Ronald Jubin and Watchung Town Council members, Christine Ead, Sonia Abi-Habib and Curt Dahl cutting the ribbon.

The new location at 744 Mountain Boulevard, Watchung, NJ marks an exciting chapter for Lawrence Law. The spacious and modern setting reflects our commitment to providing our clients with a comfortable and professional environment. This move signifies not just a change in address, but a step forward in our journey to better serve the community's legal needs. As we officially opened the doors to our new office, we look forward to continuing our legal services with continued energy and enthusiasm in our new, welcoming space.


Lawrence Law Divorce and Family Lawyers
744 Mountain Boulevard Watchung, New Jersey 07069
Telephone: 908-645-1000
Firm website:

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January 11, 2024 10:20 am

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