Jeralyn Lawrence Argued Before the NJ Supreme Court in Child Welfare Case


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Jeralyn Lawrence Argued Before the
New Jersey Supreme Court, on
Behalf of the New Jersey State Bar
Association, in Child Welfare Case

On November 18, 2019, on behalf of the New Jersey State Bar Association, Jeralyn Lawrence argued before the New Jersey Supreme Court. This case is examining the constitutionality of “not established” under New Jersey’s child welfare laws and whether or not a parent/caregiver is entitled to appeal when the Division of Child Protection and Permanency concludes “not established” following an investigation of abuse or neglect. The New Jersey State Bar Association is taking the position that the “not established” finding should be abolished. “The potential for misuse, the likelihood of interference with an individual’s right to parent, and the consequences of a damaged reputation with no real course of remediation is clear and harmful,” argues the association.

In August 2019, also on behalf of the New Jersey State Bar Association, Jeralyn Lawrence and Dan Burton, of Lawrence Law, along with Ronald Lieberman of Cherry Hill’s Cooper Levenson, Thomas DeCataldo of Livingston’s Skoloff & Wolfe and NJSBA President Evelyn Padin filed a motion to participate as amicus curiae before the New Jersey Supreme Court. Amicus curiae, or “friend of the court”, is an impartial volunteer adviser to the court of law in a particular case.

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