Educational Consulting Services – Help For Students To Thrive In Academics


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KATalyst Educational Consulting Services – Summit NJ

We help each student thrive in his or her school and enjoys the educational process.

We use a perceptive assessment of each student’s unique strengths, talents, values, and needs, to assist (student and parent) with the selection of a school for the best potential academic and social success. Ours services are based on years of experience in the field of education that is continually enhanced through conferences, webinars and school visits.

Our Independent Educational Consulting services include:

  • Determination of student interests, talents and vulnerabilities
  • Analysis of scholastic records and extra-curricular activities
  • Assistance with course selection to find the fit that is appropriate for talents and goals
  • Explore college best fit
  • Examine academic and personal factors for college selection
  • Review financial factors to consider during college selection
  • Coordinate the college application process and timelines

Let me help you navigate the college selection and admission process with you and your child.

Kent A. Thompson, Ed. D.
Independent Educational Consultant

Visit our website at
Phone: 908-376-6189
Email: [email protected]

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