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No prior experience is needed, we will train you in all aspects of the business. P/T and F/T opportunities are both available.

The job opportunity is simple. We do a walk through inspection to look for damage. Ask the property and business owners a few questions.
You do not need to climb on roofs or crawl under buildings. If the ceiling has rain damage, you know it's a bad roof.If there are water stains from the bathroom, then you know it's a water leak. If the house is on fire…you get it.

Take some pictures and do some paperwork.
You then send off the paperwork to a Field Adjuster who will do all the adjusting for you.
Public Adjusters have the property owner's best interest at heart and help them understand their insurance policy. We make sure the property owner gets what is entitled to them in a claim.
We need everyone from entry level through upper management. We have become the largest company in our industry for over 20 years.
Our profession is inflation resistant, you will not be outsourced or laid off.
You must be dependable, trainable, age 20+, able to work independently, have a positive attitude, have your own reliable car.

Please TEXT your name, email address & telephone

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